Category: Zeus Framework
Hits: 5380

Index of Zeus-Pervasive Library

1. Introduction

The Zeus Pervasive Library combines the concept of pervasive computing and cell computing. Both techniques are used to create high adaptable and flexible applications. The Cell Computing Model has been defined in a thesis in 2005 by Benjamin Hadorn. It is dedicated to adapt a computing system dynamically according to its work load using biological patterns. On the other hand the pervasive computing is a rather new discipline which brings the computational power closer to the physical world. Applications based on the pervasive computing paradigm are aimed to support the human activity in an implicit way.

Both techniques are combined in the new version of Zeus Pervasive Library. The pervasive computing part helps to build the link between the physical world and the computing system. This layer catches information, treats it and passes it to other components as messages. The cell computing is then used to process these messages more efficiently. To pass the message a coordination layer is needed, a transparent message passing system.

The library contains following sub package:

2. Documentation

The model and the concept of the pervasive computing is based on papers and thesis documents.

2.1 Ubiquitous Computing

2.1 Coordination

2.1 Cell Computing

3. Test

The test application [zeuscellTest] was written to test the major classes of the ZeusCell library. The test application needs a CPPUint library witch is included by the project already.