Category: Zeus Framework
Hits: 3605

Index of ZeusBase-Library

1. General

The ZeusBase library builts the base of the whole Zeus-Framework and therefore the cell computing applications. It defines the base classes, the interface handling and the platform data types.

It is also very usable for other C++ projects. It extends the STL or BOOST libraries. It wrapps the classes of STL and provides a simple interface to use them.

2. Documentation

There is a complete documentation and explanation of the ZeusBase-Library available.

The documentation includes:

There is some documentation online as well (see below).

Documentation of the Zeus-Framework [pdf] (in german only)

Documentation of the ZeusBase Library [pdf] (in german only)

The API documentation includes only class and code documentation.

API Documentation of the Zeus-Framework [html]

Lots of concepts implemented with Zeus-Framework are taken from RFC, like:

3. Sub packages

3.1 Overview

The class framework includes a large number of classes and tools. They are grouped within packages and modules. The packages are compiled together into one library called ZeusBase-Library. Modules are libraries which are based on the Zeus-Framework but can be exchanged during runtime.

4. External Libraries

The Zeus-Framework is built on top of the stl and some other open source libraries:

Some of the packages are optional. To enable the functionality you have to enable the options on your platform include (zeusbase/Config/Platforms/*):

5. Test

The test application [zeusbaseTest] was written to test the major classes of the ZeusBase library. The test application needs a CPPUint library witch is included by the project already. Following libraries are needed to run the test sucessfully:

The test application will be installed in a local [bin]-directory of the project itself.

The test need also following files such as: